Saturday, May 31, 2014

Chapter 6 of Ritzkrieg

Sorry for the long pause between updates!  I've been working away at art, but a comic for an original character tournament so it's not really the sort of thing I can update with here I don't think... Anyway, last week chapter 5 of my webcomic Ritzkrieg ended, and as tradition goes, I get a week off in between chapters to make a cover page, script, thumbnails, and page templates!  I just finished chapter 6's cover last night and here it is!  I've always loved that cutesy old-fashioned paper moon photography so I'm glad I got to do something with it!

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Comic Con Preparations

I always love conventions, they're so much fun!  Even preparing is a blast.  Now that I have this snazzy Blogspot deal, I thought I'd share what's going on this time!

Here's everything!  And I actually forgot to include buttons and commissions, so I guess it's not really everything?  In any case, I have prints, stickers, postcards, and comics!  First time ever selling comics, I'm super excited to give that a try.  They sure are a lot of work but the results are worthwhile!

Above is a little banner I whipped up for Courtney and I (we'll be sharing the table).  This is the very first appearance of our joint logo/studio, Crowned Chicken!  I have to tweak the crown but otherwise we'll be using that on our "products" from here on out!

Monday, May 12, 2014

Les Etoiles

My first larger illustration in a little while now, I've put lots of focus into school, animations, comics, and concepts, but not into an illustration!  This was really fun to do honestly, it came from an old sketch I found that I did about three years ago.  The original was based on the amazing song by Melody Gardot called "Les Etoiles", this version is not based on it quite as much but it's certainly still there.

Appleseed is this weekend so I really gotta get back to my 'ole comics now!  Hopefully be posting again soon~

Saturday, May 10, 2014

Time for a Lesson in Morals (Part 2)

And so ends "Comic Per Day" week!  This was tougher than I anticipated but it was great practice and I really hope people enjoy these tiny little things at Appleseed!  As a bonus, a really stylized Benny:
I'm looking forward to going back to drawing him old and fat again haha!

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Time for A Lesson in Morals - Part 1

So this week is a self-proclaimed "Comic Per Day" week because Appleseed in next weekend!!  So much to do and so little time!  One of the things I'll have at my table is a little book of these strips starring Benny Bantam himself giving quick lessons on good morals!  This is good practice and it's fun!  Unfortunately I think the real lesson being taught here is "If someone is doing something wrong, PUNCH 'EM IN THE FACE" hehe!

Anyway, I'd like to do 2-3 more before printing, so expect another part to this post soon!