Ah once again long time no post, I've been on break since about mid-December and, trust me, I've been using that time to almost full advantage (I had a day or two that I just had to sleep, eat, and doodle minimally to be honest ;w; ). I started an OC sweater project where I designed an ugly Christmas sweater for as many of my original characters as I could, the idea being 1) to have fun and celebrate the holidays, but 2) to design an outfit that says something about the character's personality. Closer to Christmas, I decided to make it my annual/official big friend gift art too! It became a photo finish, literally doing the last touches early Christmas day (you know, that 1-4 am time of day that I just love to work the most xD ). Without further ado, the results!

It was a fun character-exploring project and it always feels wonderful to give back to all my amazing friends this time of year <3 Since I finished this, and a little before actually, I've been working on comic pages for Ritzkrieg chapter 7! As I type this, I have started page 5, I'm really happy the comic is still going...
Happy New Year's! Here's to a year full of art and experience in 2015!